Specific activity





Theme 1. The European model of energy-efficient economy.

European experience of transition from managing energy intensity of economy to energy saving and energy efficiency. Basic principles of the European model of energy-efficient economy. Components of the EU energy-efficient economy: Poland, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Sweden. State regulation of relations in the sphere of energy saving. Formation of energy efficiency policy: challenges and European guidelines.


1. Energy strategy of Ukraine for the period by 2030. – Mode of access : http://zakon1.rada.gov.ua/signal/kr06145a.doc.

2. EU energy trends to 2030 – Update 2009. – European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Energy and Transport. – European Commission, 2010. – 180 p.

3. Law of Ukraine "About the energy efficiency Fund" from 08.06.2017 № 2095-VIII (23.07.2017) – Mode of access : http://search.ligazakon.ua/l_doc2.nsf/link1/T172095.html.

4. Ukrnainy Law on energy efficiency of Buildings from 22.06.2017 – Mode of access : http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2118-19.

5. World Energy Council Official Site (World Energy Council). – Mode of access : http://www.worldenergy.org/.

6. Eurostat Official Site (Eurostat) [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/.

7. International Energy Agency Official Site (International Energy Agency). – Mode of access : www.iea.org.

8. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: EU practice / L.H. Melnyk, I.B. Dehtiarova, T.S. Szep, D.M. Ovcharenko // Energy Economics: Textbook / edit.by..L.H. Melnyk,, I.M. Sotnyk – Sumy: Universytetska knyha, 2015. – pp. 244 – 250.

9. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European economic and social committee and the Committee of the regions. Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the Circular Economy, 02.12.2015 [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://eurlex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52015DC0614.

10. Ethical consumer research association, 2015 [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://www.corporatecritic.org/info/about/ ethicalconsumer.aspx.

11. Europe 2020 [Electronic resource] / European Commission, 2010. – Mode of access : http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020.

12. Pye S. Energy poverty and vulnerable consumers in the energy sector across the EU: analysis of policies and measures. / S. Pye // Policy Report. –2015. – May. – 91 p.

13. Energy 2020. A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Doc. COM (2010) 639 final. Brussels, 10.11.2010 [Electronic resource] // EUR-Lex. Access to European Union law. – Mode of access : https://mgimo.ru/files2/y11_2013/243404/10.3.1_com_2010_0639_energy_2020.pdf.



Theme 2. Implementation of European energy saving standards in Ukrainian legislation.

The main stages of legislation formation in the field of energy saving in the EU. Types of documents and legislative base of energy saving in the EU. The European Energy Charter, White and Green books. Trends and prospects of legislation development in the field of energy saving in Ukraine and the EU. Recommendations on adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of the EU.


1. Yermilov S.F. The national policy of energy efficiency in Ukrainian and European context [Electronic resource] / S.F. Yermilov // Institute for economics and forecasting National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – Mode of access : http://www.ief.org.ua/Arjiv_EP/Ermilov207.pdf.

2. The EU Green Book:European strategy for sustainable, competitive and secure energy. [Electronic resource] / Committee of the European Communities [Brussels, 08.03.2006]. – Mode of access : http://www.rsppenergy.ru/main/static.asp?art_id=1552.

3. Sukhodolia O. M. Energy efficiency in the context of national security, research methodology and mechanisms for implementation: monograph / O. M Sukhodolia. – К. : NAPA (National Academy for Public Administration), 2006. – 424 p.

4. Final Document of the Hague Conference on the European Energy Charter [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://goo.gl/fTQCW 30 вересня 2010.

5. Bila Knyha (White Paper. An Energy Policy for the European Union, 1995) [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://goo.gl/meFWK 4 October,4 2010.

6. Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://necu.org.ua/wpcontent/uploads/UKR_Directive_27.pdf.



Theme 3. Future challenges for energy efficiency in Ukraine and the EU.

Energy dependence of the EU countries and ways to overcome it. External and internal threats to energy security in European countries. The current state of the energy balance in the EU. The structure of primary energy consumption in the EU. Overcoming the challenges of energy strategies in the EU and Ukraine. Trends to change the energy balance of Ukraine in the context of European integration processes.


1. Quantifying energy. BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2006 - 48 p.- Mode of access : www.bp.com/statisticalreview.

2. Burlaka H.H. Fuel - energy balance - the basis of Fuel and Energy Complex Management //TEK, 2005, № 35.- зp. 46-54.

3. Burlaka H.H. Do Ukraine need fuel-gas balance?// Neft y haz (Oil and Gas), 2005.-№3.-зp. 10-18

4. Key world energy statistics.- Paris: IEA Publications, 2005.- 79 p.

5. Bechberger M. Policy differences in the promotion of renewable energies in the EU member states / M. Bechberger D. Reiche// Energy Policy. -2004.- vol.32.- зp. 834-843.

6. Ayresa R. A theory of economic growth with material/energy resources and dematerialization: Interaction of three growth mechanisms [Electronic resource] / R. Ayresa, J. Berghc // Ecological Economics. – 2005. – № 55(1). – P. 96–118. – Mode of access : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092180090400408.

7. REmap 2030. Prospects for Renewable Energy Development in Ukraine [Electronic resource] / IRENA, 2015. – Режим доступу : http://saee.gov.ua/sites/default/files/UKR%20IRENA%20REMAP%20_%2015.pdf.

8. Smart Grids in Germany [Electronic resource]/ AlterEnergy.info, 2013. – Mode of access : http://www.alterenergy.info/distributedgeneration/87notes/511-distributed-generation-in-germany.

9. Sweden – world leader in electric and electronic waste collection [Electronic resource]. – 2016. – Mode of access : http://www.avfallsverige.se/fileadmin/uploads/elretur_eng.pdf.

10. Telizhenko A. Concept of integrated waste management as recoverable resources in product cycle / A. Telizhenko, V. Lukianykhin, T. Shevchenko et al. // Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. – Issue 3. – Vol. 1. – 2012. – P. 312–323.


Seminar № 1. Comparative analysis of energy balance in Ukraine and EU countries. Estimated consumption of primary energy sources in Ukraine. Comparison of energy consumption structure of Ukraine and EU countries. Analysis of energy balance of Ukraine and EU countries. Formation of directions for improving the energy balance of Ukraine.


Theme 4. Formation and implementation of energy efficiency potential in Ukraine and EU countries.

European practice of managing energy-efficient economy potential. The impact of the technological and structural energy saving on the total potential of energy efficiency in Ukraine. Technology energy saving: modernization, replacement of energy-intensive technologies, reduction of energy costs. Formation of structural energy conservation: changes to create energy-efficient economy.


1. EU energy trends to 2030 – Update 2009. – European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Energy and Transport. – European Commission, 2010. – 180 p.

2. Law of Ukraine "About the energy efficiency Fund" from 08.06.2017 № 2095-VIII (23.07.2017) – Mode of access : http://search.ligazakon.ua/l_doc2.nsf/link1/T172095.html.

3. Implementation of Energy efficiency potential in Ukraine / Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University, 2015.-№ 11.- зp.68-75

4. Demirel P. On the drivers of eco-innovations: empirical evidence from the UK / P. Demirel, E. Kesidou // Research Policy. – 2012. – Vol. 41. – Р. 862–870.

5. Frondel M. End-of-pipe or cleaner production? An empirical comparison of environmental innovation decisions across OECD countries /

M. Frondel, J. Rennings // Business Strategy and the Environment. – 2007. – Vol. 16. – № 8. – Р. 571–584.

6. Irajpour A. Evaluation of the mosteffective criteria in green supply chain management in automotive industries using FUZZY DEMATEL method / A. Irajpour, M. Hajimirza, Alavi M. Golsefid et al. // Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research. – 2012. – Vol. 2. – № 9. – Р. 8952–8961.

7. Prokip A. Rozwój energetyki odnawialnej jako determinanta podwyższenia konkurencyjności podmiotów gospodarczych i bezpieczeństwa energetycznego w regionie / A. Prokip, R. Kolisnyk // Konkurencyjność podmiotów gospodarczych i jej determinant ; pod red. A. Limanskiego, R. Milic-Czerniak. – Katowice : WSZMiJO, 2013. – 590 p.


Seminar № 2. Adaptation of European experience to realize energy saving potential in Ukraine. Analysis of Structural and Technological Energy Saving of Leading Industries of Ukraine. Investigation of the potential of energy efficiency of enterprises by European methods. Development of practical recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the enterprise (for example, leading enterprises in the region).


Theme 5. Organizational, technical and technological components of energy saving: contemporary European practice.

The European practice of implementation of modern energy and resource saving materials, structures, devices and equipment. Rational planning of energy consumption by improving technologies in the EU. European approaches to form qualified personnel in the field of energy saving. Analysis of the European energy management system: energy audit and energy controlling. Energy saving examination and energy certification in EU countries.


1. European Commission > Energy > Topics > Energy Efficiency > Energy efficient products. Mode of access : http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficient-products.

2. European council for an energy efficient economy. Access mode: http://www.eceee.org/

3. Daugbjerg C. Government intervention in green industries: lessons from the wind turbine and the organic food industries in Denmark / C. Daugbjerg, G. T. Svendsen // Environment Development and Sustainability. – 2011. – Vol. 13. – Р. 293–307.

4. Sustainable now http://sustainable-now.eu/

6. Lukosevicius V. Capacity building for sustainable energy regulation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / V. Lukosevicius, L. Werring. – Budapest : ERRA, 2011. – 113 p.

5. Daugbjerg C. Government intervention in green industries: lessons from the wind turbine and the organic food industries in Denmark / C. Daugbjerg, G. T. Svendsen // Environment Development and Sustainability. – 2011. – Vol. 13. – Р. 293–307.

6. Demirel P. On the drivers of eco-innovations: empirical evidence from the UK / P. Demirel, E. Kesidou // Research Policy. – 2012. – Vol. 41. – Р. 862–870.

7. Frondel M. End-of-pipe or cleaner production? An empirical comparison of environmental innovation decisions across OECD countries /

M. Frondel, J. Rennings // Business Strategy and the Environment. – 2007. – Vol. 16. – № 8. – Р. 571–584.

8. Irajpour A. Evaluation of the mosteffective criteria in green supply chain management in automotive industries using FUZZY DEMATEL method / A. Irajpour, M. Hajimirza, Alavi M. Golsefid et al. // Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research. – 2012. – Vol. 2. – № 9. – Р. 8952–8961.

15. Smart Grids in Germany [Electronic resource]/ AlterEnergy.info, 2013. – Mode of access : http://www.alterenergy.info/distributedgeneration/87notes/511-distributed-generation-in-germany.

16. Sweden – world leader in electric and electronic waste collection [Electronic resource]. – 2016. – Mode of access : http://www.avfallsverige.se/fileadmin/uploads/elretur_eng.pdf.

17. Telizhenko A. Concept of integrated waste management as recoverable resources in product cycle / A. Telizhenko, V. Lukianykhin, T. Shevchenko et al. // Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. – Issue 3. – Vol. 1. – 2012. – P. 312–323.


Seminar № 3. Construction of energy management system at EU enterprises. Organization and coordination of personnel in the energy management system. Preparation and support of accounting, control and planning of energy resources of European companies.


Theme 6. System of financial and economic provision of energy saving measures in Ukraine and the EU.

European experience of the use of financial and economic incentives to save energy. Requirements of European lenders and investors to energy efficiency projects. Economic and financial instruments of implementing energy efficient projects at enterprises. The structure, sources and instruments of financial support of energy efficiency projects in the EU. Assessment of the possibility to adapt the instruments of investment in European energy saving projects in Ukraine (by international organizations, ESCO companies, financial and credit institutions, collective investment institutions).


1. Energy strategy of Ukraine for the period by 2030. – Mode of access : zakon1.rada.gov.ua/signal/kr06145a.doc.

2. World Energy Council Official Site (World Energy Council). – Mode of access : http://www.worldenergy.org/.

3. Eurostat Official Site (Eurostat) [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/.

4. International Energy Agency Official Site (International Energy Agency). – Mode of access : www.iea.org.

5. Bloomberg new energy finance. Global trends in renewable energy investment: 2015 key findings / Bloomberg new energy finance. – Frankfurt am Main : BNEF, 2015. – 16 с.

6. Energy Efficiency. Saving energy, saving money [Electronic resource] / Energy, 2016. – Mode of access : http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency.

7. The World Bank – http://www.worldbank.org/.


Seminar № 4. Practical experience in implementing energy efficient projects in Poland, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Sweden. Comparison of projects using a system of criteria evaluation. Breakdown analysis of the project. Preparatory stage of investment energy efficiency project development. Requirements of lenders and investors to the content of energy efficiency projects.

Seminar № 5. Methodology of using national energy saving financing instruments of EU countries. Preparation of the main financial documents for the project. Determine the sources of project financing. Estimation of weighted average cost of capital. Optimization of capital structure for project implementation. Application of European methods of financial planning. Realization of stages of formation of the strategy of implementation of energy-efficient projects at enterprises.


Theme 7. European experience in assessing investment attractiveness and risk-responding to energy saving.

Criteria of economic efficiency of investment in energy efficiency of the European countries. The practice of the European institutions to assess and compare investment appeal of energy efficiency projects. European experience in managing project risks and approaches to mitigate risks of energy saving projects. Prospects for the growth of the investment appeal of energy saving projects in Ukraine in the context of European Integration.


1. Energy strategy of Ukraine for the period by 2030. – Mode of access : zakon1.rada.gov.ua/signal/kr06145a.doc.

2. World Energy Council Official Site (World Energy Council). – Mode of access : http://www.worldenergy.org/.

3. Eurostat Official Site (Eurostat) [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/eurostat/home/.

4. International Energy Agency Official Site (International Energy Agency). – Mode of access : www.iea.org.

5. Earth Security Index 2015. Managing global resource risks and resilience in the 21st century [Electronic resource]. – Earth Security Group, 2015. – Mode of access:http://earthsecuritygroup.com/wpcontent/uploads/2016/06/The-Earth-Security-Index-2015.pdf.

6. EY global institutional investor survey, 2015 [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/EY-tomorrowsinvestment-rules-2/$FILE/EY-tomorrows investment-rules-2.0.pdf.

7. Klisinski J. S. Sales promotion methods at Ukrainian market of commercial vehicles: analysis, efficiency, prospects / J. S. Klisinski, O. F. Gryshchenko, M. I. Bilan // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. –2015. – № 1. – С. 167–177.

8. Mishenin E. Strategy of implementation of ecologically-oriented logistical management of enterprise‘s production system / E. Mishenin, I. Koblianska, N. Mishenina // Economic Annals-XXI. – 2015. – Issue 3/4. – Р. 64-67.


Seminar № 6. European models of energy saving. Application of methods of analysis and evaluation of investment risks of energy efficient projects. Analysis of project sensitivity. Risk taking into account in the process of making investment decisions. Project Risk Management. Ways to reduce the risks of an investment project. Application of methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of energy efficient projects in the context of European integration. Comparison of the required level of energy efficiency and the current state of competitiveness in the European market.


Theme 8. European practice of forming energy efficiency consciousness.

Popularization of energy saving and European practices to rear the culture of energy consumption. European principles of teaching and conducting targeted information campaigns on energy saving. European system of financial, administrative and behavioral incentives of energy saving, its adaptation to Ukrainian realities.


1. European-Ukrainian Energy Agency Site [Electronic resource] – Mode of access : http://euea-energyagency.org/uk/.

2. European Train Foundation. — Mode of access : http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Home_RU?OpenDocument.

3. The problems of energy saving in the education: [teaching materials] / [materials developer: Ivashchenko S. H., Melnykova O. V.]. – К.: Milenium, 2005. – 16 p.

4. Energy Efficiency in EU [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://www.mdi.org.ua/files/file/school_242_Kyiv_ report_3_dodatok.pdf.

5. Slupskyi B.V. The task of implementation of European norms and standards in energy efficiency and energy saving in Ukraineі / B.V. Slupskyi [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access : http://www.investplan.com.ua/ pdf/8_2010/27.pdf.

6. Handbook on renewable energy sources [Electronic resource] // ENERSUPPLY. – 2011. – Mode of access : http://www.ener-supply.eu/downloads/ENER_handbook_en.pdf.

7. Yarovaya I. Ye. Knowledge management as a factor of the innovative development of forestry / I. Ye. Yarovaya // International scientific conference ―UNITECH‗14 Proceedings (Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 21–22 November 2015). – Gabrovo : University Publishing House ―V. APRILOV‖, 2015. – Vol. 1. –Р. 386–391.


Training course. European experience of energy saving and ways of practical realization in Ukraine. Formation of the skills of environmental, energy-efficient and safe lifestyle. Definition of rules of energy-efficient behavior of members of society and their realization. Development of a system of financial, administrative and behavioral stimulation of energy saving.

