Study visit: «Energy efficiency – from dream to real deeds»

December 7, 2020

On December 07, 2020, the third winter training visit was held within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program "The challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation of Ukraine with the EU" (registration number 599740-EPP-1-2018-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE)

Online project for schoolchildren of Poltava region launched: scientists talk about energy saving in everyday life

December 7, 2020

As part of the implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet program "The challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation of Ukraine with the EU", teachers of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" started a winter series of study visits "ENERGY EFFICIENCY – FROM DREAM TO REAL DEEDS" in schools of the Poltava region and spoke about the advantages of using alternative energy sources in everyday life.


November 16, 2020

On November 12, 2020, an interesting and meaningful study visit "We are young Europeans − therefore we aspire to energy saving" took place. The meeting with the students took place subject to quarantine restrictions, in the online format of the Zoom video conference.


November 16, 2020

The workshop "Instruments of energy efficiency evaluation:European practice" brought together university students and foreign partners – teachers and students of higher educational institutions in Afghanistan, India and Georgia joined, with a total of more than 70 participants. Moderator of the workshop – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Department of entrepreneurship economics and marketing of the National University "Yuriy Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Chairman of the Council of young scientists Ksenia Chichulina told the background of the International Energy Saving Day, which is celebrated in many countries of the European Union on November 11 at the initiative of the International Environmental Network SPARE since 2008.

Roundtable debate: "State and Society is a unified team in energy conservation"

October 21, 2020

On October 12, 2020, within the framework of the Jean Monnet project "challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation between Ukraine and the EU", a Roundtable debate: "State and Society is a unified team in energy conservation" was held. The Roundtable was attended by master's students in the specialty 8.15010002 "Civil Service", who work in public positions throughout Ukraine.

#ERASMUSDAYS: scientists, students and teachers of the Polytechnic shared their experience of participating in academic mobility programs

October 21, 2020

On October 15, the National University "Yuriy Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" joined the celebration of #ErasmusDAYS 2020 in Ukraine. Young scientists discussed their own successful cases during the Round Table "experience of participating in Erasmus+ programs" and supported the festive flash mob.

Webinar for the International energy saving day on the theme: "Energy Saving Experience in the EU – the way of Efficient Development of Ukraine"

November 11, 2019

The Erasmus+ project implementation team " Challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation of Ukraine with the EU" on November 11 held a Webinar for the International energy saving day on the theme: "Energy Saving Experience in the EU – the way of Efficient Development of Ukraine".

How to conserve energy – questions and answers

October 16 2019

On October 16, 2019, at Poltava National Technical Yurii Kondratyuk University was held a round table for students and young scientists with Honorary Professor of PoltNTU, Board Member of the National Bank (Germany) Gunter Shtol, Head of Back Office and Quality Assurance Department of the National Bank (Germany) Uwe Schrag: "How to conserve energy – questions and answers" Head specialists from Germany delivered the lecture on financing energy-efficient construction and the formation of effective startups.

Biofuel market: dialogue between producers and customers

October 11 2019

On October 11, 2019 within the framework of #ErasmusDays the meeting of the teaching staff and the students of PoltNTU took place on the basis of Nova Ivanivka sugar plant and Yaresky sugar plant.

Promotional event to conserve energy like in Europe!

April 24 2019

April 24, 2019 was a large-scale promotion "TO CONSERVE ENERGY LIKE IN EUROPE! ". This action was aimed at popularization and formation of the knowledge system. Such knowledge is associated with the introduction of European experience in energy efficiency management in Ukraine, practical skills in the development of energy saving measures.

Promotional event to conserve energy like in Europe!

April 24 2019


1. Chichulina Kseniia, PhD, Associate professor "Practical experience in implementing energy efficient projects in Poland, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Sweden"

2. Skryl Vitaliia, PhD, Associate professor "European experience in financing energy efficiency measures for co-owners of apartment buildings"

3. Byba Volodymyr, PhD, Associate professor Miniailenko Inna, Senior lecturer "Energy efficiency potential in Ukraine and the EU: assessments and impact factors"

Проект викладачів ПолтНТУ став переможцем програми Жана Моне ЕРАЗМУС+

September 30, 2018.

19 липня 2018 р. Виконавче агентство з питань освіти, аудіовізуальних засобів і культури (ЕАСЕА) оголосило результати конкурсу 2018 р. проектів Жана Моне Програми Європейського Союзу ЕРАЗМУС+. 14 проектів від України рекомендовані до фінансування Європейським Союзом.