Training course. European experience of energy saving and ways of practical realization in Ukraine
December 16-18, 2019
On December 16-18, 2019, within the framework of Jean Monet's training module "The challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation of Ukraine with the EU", training courses were held by project participants - associate professors of the Department of Economics, entrepreneurship and marketing of "National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" Kseniia Chichulina, Inna Miniailenko and Volodymyr Byba. The theme as the training topic was chosen "European experience of energy saving and the ways of practical implementation in Ukraine". During the training for applicants of higher education on the Masters educational level in the specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity", 101 "Ecology", 192 "Construction and civil engineering" topical problems of energy saving at the enterprises of Ukraine and the EU, construction of energy-efficient buildings, analysis of the experience of European countries in the development of alternative energy sources and other equally important issues were highlighted. Interesting topics sparked lively discussions.