Promotional event to conserve energy like in Europe!
(30th Anniversary of the Jean Monnet Activities)
Under the Erasmus + Jean Monet programme
" The challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation of Ukraine with the EU "
(№ 599740-EPP-1-2018-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE)
24 April 2019
April 24, 2019 was a large-scale promotion "TO CONSERVE ENERGY LIKE IN EUROPE! ". This action was aimed at popularization and formation of the knowledge system. Such knowledge is associated with the introduction of European experience in energy efficiency management in Ukraine, practical skills in the development of energy saving measures. The team of the project performers of National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»: "The challenges of energy efficiency: cooperation of Ukraine with the EU " presented the key points of the module within at the 71st scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, graduate students and students of the University and the third all-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference "Creation, operation and repair of road transport and construction equipment." The promotion was joined by foreign students, who actively presented their vision of European trends in energy saving and rational use of energy resources!